Saturday, June 19, 2010


Sometimes I don't make sense.
Sometimes I don't understand.
Sometimes I just want to be known.
Sometimes I just want to love.
And sometimes I just want to hide.

Ever have those feelings before? Today I felt I was able to do a mix of all of these things and felt at ease with myself. I am not sure if it is because I am around a passionate hobby of mine or if it was because I am at ease with myself, finally getting the weight off my shoulders.

Sometimes, my understanding of life is skewed. I always wanted an adventure. Sometimes that adventure is dangerous, yet I welcome it, even with the faint possibility that I could get seriously injured or worse. Some people don't quite understand this logic, others do. Sometimes, that understanding all we have to live and go by.

I wish sometimes more people would understand that I am not your "typical African-American", yes, I have "strange" hobbies. I like trains, photography, extreme sports, camping, hiking, etc. This is me, this is who I am and sometimes, I'd like you to simply accept me and not who you want me to be....


  1. This.

    This is everything I've ever wanted. I wish that society as a whole could rid themselves of the idea that if you don't like the same things as everyone else, you are weird. I've learned through the years that the true friends are the ones who don't care what you do, but they like your company, or they like your personality. They admit that your interests are different, and the choices you make compared to what they would do may vary, but that it's your life to control, not theirs, and they don't judge you for anything you do.

    Keep up the good writing, Brian. I'll check back on this regularly.

  2. I think you're hobbies sound pretty kick ass. Did I ever tell you my brother drives a coal train?
