Friday, June 18, 2010


I created this blog to express myself in a manner than can only be done on "paper". Since I dislike writing by hand and sadly attached to a computer or smartphone 99% of the time, this would be my source of an outlet to rant, rave and express myself in a manner few may or may not understand or even relate to.

Some of this will be emotional, some of this will be deep, some will be pure anger but all of it will be from me and who I am.

Those who decide to read this blog, heed this warning now that I will not hold back my thoughts, expressions, or opinions. There will be swearing, sexual talk (to an extent), etc. You are welcome to comment back and voice your thoughts, concerns, and ideas. I welcome and cherish it all but I am not looking for a pity party or be told I am some pathetic human simply because of what I say..

Till tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Very glad to see you creating a blog. I will be a loyal follower. Vent away my good friend.

